the UK carnivore experience

Dr Kiltz: Fatty Meats, Glycosylation, Fertility, Hormones, Killer Plants and More

Coach Stephen BSc Hons / Dr Kiltz

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Dr. Robert Kiltz is a physician who promotes eating fatty meat for overall health and wellness. He believes that eating this way can help improve fertility and he encourages people to share their success stories on social media. When asked about the dangers of hormones in dairy, he states that it is not a big concern compared to the hormones found in plants. He also mentions that inflammation caused by plant sugars and chemicals can damage cells and affect fertility. Richard and Stephen emphasize how ancient humans were omnivorous with their protein sources predominantly from animals and hunting, not plants. Modern doctors and dieticians give misguided advice as they don't know man's true evolution. People lack macro-nutrients and focus on micro-nutrients too much. Dr. Kiltz stresses that fat is essential for one's body and should be prioritized in a diet, as nature provides protein and fat in perfectly packaged proportions. He also challenges the idea that obesity is a disease, stating that it is a natural state that is only harmful if paired with a low-fat diet that inflames the body's cells.

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Dr Kiltz Transcript


Dr. Robert Kiltz is a physician who promotes eating fatty meat for overall health and wellness. He believes that eating this way can help improve fertility and he encourages people to share their success stories on social media. When asked about the dangers of hormones in dairy, he states that it is not a big concern compared to the hormones found in plants. He also mentions that inflammation caused by plant sugars and chemicals can damage cells and affect fertility. Richard and Stephen emphasize how ancient humans were omnivorous with their protein sources predominantly from animals and hunting, not plants. Modern doctors and dieticians give misguided advice as they don't know man's true evolution. People lack macro-nutrients and focus on micro-nutrients too much. Dr. Kiltz stresses that fat is essential for one's body and should be prioritized in a diet, as nature provides protein and fat in perfectly packaged proportions. He also challenges the idea that obesity is a disease, stating that it is a natural state that is only harmful if paired with a low-fat diet that inflames the body's cells.


Doctor Robert Kiltz. For those that don't know you. Can we have a little introduction? Uh, well, I'm just another, uh, fellow human being on the quest to be healthy. And as a physician, I found out that my advice as a physician was aiding in my and other, uh, human beings unhealthy ness. And, uh, I learned about, uh, paleo, keto. And then about 15 years ago, almost carnivore and, uh, better. What better way to share health and wellness than being on social media, which is really the new, uh, health care, uh, uh, menu. Absolutely. Rich. What would you like me to hit Robert kills with? I know we have. We had we had you all. Yes. Welcome back. Because we had you on this time last year. Um, wow. How quickly 12 months has gone. It's. It's the measure of these dates. It's like every appointment I have on an annual basis. I decided to cancel them all, because between last one and this one is just way too short. But, you know, if it is a short life and we want to do the very best to make ourselves the most healthy and and just in finishing up as a fertility physician, uh, I've learned that, uh, we're all suffering from, uh, from the improper human diet for way too long. And, uh, I've just been, um, uh, so enthused by the environment of both the keto world, the carnival world. But the general health and wellness that people are talking about online has been a game changer. You know, I can only see so many patients in a day, but we can, uh, touch infinite people in, in this modality. So I think this is absolutely. And I encourage anyone who's experienced the benefits of both keto world and the carnival world, the faith world and the fitness world to share your story, because I think that's one of the most important things we can all do. Yeah, I agree, I agree. Yeah. So being the fertility expert, if any of you guys have any fertility questions, pop them in the chat. Stephen with his whole guy is is on the mark there. Um. I got the question that, oh, there we are. Yeah. I mean, which I think we might be able to get, uh, Robert's wants here because it's it's sort of around female issues. Um, Nadine was asking, still haven't been able to get a definitive commentary on whether or not the hormones in dairy pose a danger for women's breast tissue. Well, I imagine women, human beings, like other mammals, have hormones. And. And so when you eat another animal, it has some hormones inside of it that you're going to consume some of those, um, uh, you know, most of us are looking for regenerative and, and and, uh, well, uh, cared for animals that aren't, uh, given all these external hormones or antibiotics, uh, uh, or, or other substances that may be harmful to them and possibly to us. But I don't think that's our biggest problem. Plants are our biggest problem because plants also contain hormones, by the way, because the the phytoestrogens androgens and and um and the progestin uh, along with many other chemicals essentially the birth control pill which contains estrogen progesterone was developed from from plants. So I would say that we have far worse chemicals and hormones in the plants we consume. Then you're getting in the, uh, the beautiful, uh, nutrient dense, uh, animal products that you consume. Cool. Sorry, Richard. I didn't mean to cut you off. Sorry. It's just that he's been hanging around. Yeah. Not fantastic. I'd just like to. To put, uh, an anecdote in there. Um. A colleague of mine, or now a friend who. Who came to me as a client initially. He reported recently that his sister. And I'm sure he's listening to this. If he is, feel free to comment in. Um, had tried IVF for I think it was, uh, something like nine years, unsuccessfully. Um, he passed on words of wisdom from Stephen and I's lives that we do, as you know, every Sunday on YouTube. Um. She made these changes begrudgingly after being worn down for for a long time, because it does take a long time for us to to wake up to these these suggestions. One year after living a carnivore lifestyle, she's now pregnant. After nine years of paying IVF and not being successful. Um, have you got anything to add to this? I mean, to me it makes perfect sense from a hormonal perspective. If you've got any insight in regards to the mechanisms behind this inflammation. Is the cause of all disease. Inflammation is primarily caused by plant sugars, plant antigens, lectins, oxalate sites, and more. Plant chemicals estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, all plant chemicals and then the fermentation of those plants in your gut via the microbes that are not good for you, by the way. And so they basically damaged every cell of your body. And last I looked, your ovaries and your your testicles are are cellular components, uh, organs of your body that get damaged. So it's not per se the hormones. You know, everyone focuses on hormones, but it's actually the cells that either make the hormones or the cells that are affected by the hormones and having the receptors there. But basically the damage isn't to your hormones, it's to your cells that either produce or are the receptors for those hormones or many other functions. Again, a sperm that can't move becomes an infertile sperm. An egg that can't be released becomes a inadequate egg. You might have the eggs in the sperm, but it's not working. So ultimately, think of inflammation as the global cause of all disease. Infertility is just another disease. It is actually the most important thing that we're all alive for, because all this work we do on YouTube is about showing ourselves off. It's the feathers, the colors, the sounds, the things that we all use to attract the mates because there's nothing more important than attracting a mate and reproducing in life, because that's the primal need of the universe is to reproduce. And we're. I see exactly that story. I have so many of my clients that many of them have never seen me. They hear these stories online. They go keto or carnivore, and they suddenly, uh, better sperm that are eggs, better embryos, better environment. They conceive and deliver baby Even after many failed IVF cycles I've seen like fertility. My job is is affordability, access, quality and integration. So I am a standard medical doctor. I perform lots of surgeries and lots of IVF and those sort of things. But if I can help you, uh, clear the the inflammation and heal yourself by these simple ideas of keto carnivore, which is kind of crazy and, uh, it works. Yeah. Okay. Got a great question from Sarah here. 30 year old on carnivore and looking to get pregnant in the future, would you still recommend a prenatal supplement? And if so, what nutrients? Uh, liver? Um, organ meats? Uh, eat the fatty meat. Um, that likely is the only supplement you need, along with some vitamin G, which is gratitude. I think faith is the most important part of it. It's I am I am having a baby in the future. Of course you are. That's the reason we're all alive. And. Yep. Uh, what? Prenatal supplement. Faith. First. Thank you. God. Lord created for the day. Whatever your gratitude of that thing is. And, uh, enjoy the life you're living and, um, and carnivore. But again, organ meats, I think, are important because likely we you we utilize the organ meats and the fat, and I would say raw fat, over cooked fat, uh, and even raw organ meats. Over cooked organ meats will probably have more minerals and vitamins that your body needs copper, magnesium, zinc, iron, just to name a few. But I don't focus on any particular supplement personally. Uh, we do sell an organ meat supplement, uh, for those people that don't want to take them. I think that there is something we did consume, and I think they'll help tremendously. Yeah. Excellent. Just rattling through some questions, Richard. If that's all right with Robert as well. Uh, people have been dying to speak to you. Right? Uh, John actually hasn't. Yeah. Um, Rachel has said I have a female issue. Carnivore since early Feb. Had one normal cycle in February, and then no period since. Any idea what would cause this? And what can I do to reverse it before carnivore? It was regular. Well, I don't know Rachel's age or other predisposing factors that she may have been living with for many years. So, you know, it could be that you've already done the damage that's caused damage to your hypothalamus, the brain areas, the pituitary, and then the adrenal ovarian axis, which are important, communicating, uh, cellular structures that, uh, really, um, define normal hormonal production and ovulation. Those are factors. But carnivore I don't know what carnivore means. I hear people on carnivore eating fruits don't. That's not carnivore. And carnivore is fatty meat. It's not lean meat. I eat tenderloin in chicken and fish. There's no fat there. The fat is the most important thing to eat because it contains every mineral, every vitamin, every amino acid, every fatty acid, and every simple sugar your body requires. And it's fat that kills the microbes in the gut, which are not good for you, by the way, and allows the, uh, the glycolic and the microbiome to heal. So, um, I would say that, you know, either the damage was done or your age is already past when that's that, you know, that that tip over period of going into menopause. Uh, but I'd say a lot of it is lean meat is not good for you. Fatty meat. Eat less frequently. And if you're over exercising or too skinny, that's not good either. Yeah. Just to add to that really quickly. Um, fantastic there, Robert, I think that, um, a lot of women, uh, do extended fasting, which causes issues in regards to court as all as well. Um, that can cause problems with, with menstrual cycles. So all the fast. Um, and I can, I can I can't know about fasting. If you have fat on your body, you can fast long because the the adipose tissue in our body contains every mineral vitamin, amino acids, simple sugar and fatty acid. We're built to bring on fat, store it. And and we're likely built to go a lot of time without eating because you and I don't go out and hunt and gather, it's provided for us in abundant ways. So again, we probably we we've purposely we didn't purposely fast. It was there was seasonality and things like that. So that's where I'm, I, I, I differ a little bit. Uh, fasting to me is one of the most amazing things you can do because when you empty the gut, see that too many people are living with a gut full of food, then gut full of food is mostly plants and protein, which are both fermenting in the gut, and they both go to the liver via insulin, the converted of fat. So, uh, you know, again, I think fasting is one of the most amazing things you could do. We're actually doing a 5 to 7 day fast starting tomorrow, and I do it twice a year. I think fasting is food freedom. And last I look, I've seen no one drop dead from fasting as long as they have enough fat on their body. And so I agree. That's again, I apologize for jumping in there, but no, no spot on. I completely agree. I think that sometimes people come into this with with the wrong mentality and being uneducated in regards to to fast and I think fast in if we look at the benefits of fast in it, we benefit for autophagy might offer g brown fat activation, lipolysis, insulin sensitivity, all of these that are listed when we are ketogenic. Anyway, um, but I think sometimes people will over fast II fat. So when people ask me, do I fast? And I mentioned this earlier. Um, I say no, but I usually go eat dinner without eating, but I eat intuitively. I eat when I'm hungry. If I'm not hungry, I don't eat. I don't force a fast. And what I find from female clients in particular is that in in this pursuit for this super fast weight loss, um, they all the fast and now their bodies are not, you know, achieving and receiving the nutrients that they need. So, um, I just I just say I'm a big fan of fasting, but just be careful with with fasting. Fats and proteins make every hormone, every cell in the body. And I think, you know, this is where we need the proteins and the fats. And this is why I live in a carnivore. Animal based lifestyle allows us to thrive. But, um, we're interesting LDL. Uh, VLDL HDL are adipocytes circulating in the in the bloodstream? If you think about it, okay. They contain amino acids, simple sugars and fatty acids, cholesterol and all the minerals and vitamins. So in actuality, the adipose tissue we store in our body is the nutrient rich cells of our body. They are critical. Obesity causes no disease. It's simply the storage. So you can go days, weeks, and potentially months without eating, including hibernating and nesting. Many animals do not eat for months and months and months because they built up their fat stores. And again, inside that adipocyte are amino acids, and inside the adipocytes are simple sugars, glycans, and are the fatty acids and cholesterol and the minerals and vitamins Your body is just saying like, okay, great. When you're in ketosis, you basically are simply reduce the the stomach contents to near zero zero is probably the best. Now you're not eating the sugars and the amino acids which are, which are basically, uh, they convert to sugar in the liver than fat in the liver via insulin, which is the critical part of our liver and survival. So I just think again, when the problem is, is that food is so abundant and the highly palatable and foods meaning that the hypothalamic foods are there because sugars, fruit were available at certain times of the year, but only in limited amounts. And if you didn't eat them all? Uh, very quickly you lose the opportunity to build the fat so you can go through your nesting time. Bears will, will, will, will make with the with the a bear and they will fertilize an egg, but that egg will not implant until that bear is fat enough. And then they cannot survive, nor will they. They build the babies because they're going to hibernate. They lose no muscle mass, no bone mass. They lose only adipose cells. So I think we're we're misaligned in obesity. Uh, adipose tissue is actually the very best thing you carry in your body, which is built for our evolution, which basically you and I didn't have the the the quick stops, the, you know, the quick deliveries and all that stuff. It's well done. Absolutely. So, um, we're just going to say. What time is it where you are, Robert? Because. Well, I just got back from these France. Right? Uh, I got in, like, last night about 9 p.m., and I was up since 6 a.m. this time. Uh, so I did get my my, uh, 910, 1112. One two, three four. I got my seven hours, which is unusual for me. I use six hours. So it's about six. Was already now 617 in the morning. That's fabulous. And you were one of the most brilliantly active listeners I've ever seen. I can see your brain absorbing information questions, and you can't wait to output, which is endless. I just want to tell everyone that Richard Smith and Coach Steven are two of the most inspiring human beings in the whole carnivore space, the fitness space, and I watch them religiously, and I think that the more we we gain together, the better. Appreciate you guys. Way to kind. I'm back at you also right back at you also. And the checks in the post, so. Right. Uh, that was brilliant. So somebody put a comment here, which is Doctor Kiltz is the only this isn't true, but this is how they're seeing it is the only person to talk about the vital glycolic calyx. So why do you think that glycoproteins and, uh, glycosylation is the thing you're your little bit, um, known for now as well as fertility? Well, my sister Maryanne died of diabetes. And then I read a book called The World Turned Upside Down by Richard David Feynman. And basically it said that glucose is never required in our diet. Sugar is not required. So wait a minute. But sugars are energy, but it's not required in our diet. And then I said, well, if sugar is not our energy, then what is sugar for? Well, we know that in ketosis you burn fat. Well then I said, well, you mean you burn sugar sometimes and then fat other times? What if that is not true? What if we only utilize acetyl-CoA from fatty acids and we never use glucose for energy? glucose. I said, well, we know glucose glycated rusts, so it's very bad for us. So if I never eat it and I keep my glucose low, I'll be healthier. Well then what's glucose for? Well, I never realized I never I mean, I knew about glycosylation, which is the post-translational modification of a protein by adding a sugar to it to give it its proper shape charge, whether it dissolves in water or not, and its proper function. And so we're simply glide heating because of our excess sugars and proteins, by the way, that are damaging our body. And and so because of my sister death and my best friend Dave Kilmer's death from medical school, he died at 52 of cancer. And I read the book by by Thomas Siegfried and Otto Warburg's work on on. Basically, glucose is a glycated agent that causes cancer. But we talk about, you know, well, will your sugars a burning burns energy and then you switch over and burn fat. But. That didn't make sense to me and what I learned about the glycol, calyx and glycol biome. And that basically there's a glucose mucus polysaccharide layer sugar layer that lines every cell of your body. It's actually the barcode. It says, come on in or stay out. You could not live without the sugars in the glycol calyx. And so we can live without eating plants, which basically all break down the sugar and protein, by the way, is glucose genic or or ketogenic? Basically they both amino acids are sugar like. And that's the part we're not talking about when it comes to proteins and amino acids. We actually have a very small requirement for, for amino acids because they're in the adipose tissue we eat. So why me? I don't know. You know, I'm a crazy man a little bit. And and in this world of fertility, talking about keto or a carnivore is, is kind of like, you can't do that. But like everything else, my job as a physician, I get paid a lot of money to help people to heal themselves, hopefully. Or we help them in either surgeries or drugs, dissections, all sorts of things. And I was like, well, but the reason I went into medicine was my my sister Maryanne. And just seeing the suffering and my parents and many others. And so my mission as a physician is to dig deep and ask questions and not even believe what we say. It's like, wait a minute, you guys don't know what you're talking about. You know we don't. But yeah, glycol kill is the glycol biome is the bomb. Yeah. And I think, you know, this is this thing about not questioning science, which is something that's a terrible phrase that's been around for the last four years. If you don't question science, it's not science. It's just, you know, we better keep asking questions. And we we have to question ourselves, too. Because if we chastised the standard world for, like, you know, every time someone says we need another scientific study and like, isn't that we got a problem solves into this problem. Another side could be study. I mean, it really is pretty simple. This is thousands of years old, this story. We don't need another study that says, oh, carnivore works well, you know, faith fasting again. Carnivore works because it minimizes or eliminates the plant toxins. Okay. That's really the simple part of the story. You can live as a vegetarian pretty long and pretty healthy if you, in my opinion, you do more fasting and you add more fat. You cook the carbs well. When you cook a plant, you kill the microbes. Bacteria and viruses and other microbes are all over the plant. You simplify the sugar. Simple sugars go to the liver faster and are converted to fat faster in order to lower your sugar levels in your bloodstream. That's really what's so important in this. Great. And we've got another fertility based question, which is understandable. Uh, do breastfeeding women on a carnivore diet need to eat, eat more, increase calories to maintain milk supply? Well, here on this, how many calories? And if you are thriving and surviving your babies thriving and surviving, you're likely getting enough calories. I mean, we know one of the biggest problems in life is losing weight, right? You know, it's that's the biggest problem. People can't lose weight without a drug and a doctor dissection or some crazy diet. And so I don't think lack of calories is our biggest problem. And breast feeding again on carnivore is like the very best thing. Fatty meat. The breast tissue is made of fat. And remember, adipose tissue contains every mineral vitamin building block of your baby and your body. So I think that, uh, you know, if you're losing too much weight, eat more fat. If you're gaining too much weight and you're, you're, you know, either move a little bit more or eat a little bit less. But, uh, you know, historically, we didn't get advice from a doctor or a dietitian. We just lived on the land of life. And, uh, eating eating a meal a day to me suffices for most of us. But the majority of the food we eat today is low fat. And and that's one of the problems we're getting a lot of protein and plant sugars, which are glycated and damaging our gut so that our gut absorption is diminished and it damaged that glycol calyx. So I would say that, again, if your baby's not thriving and not getting good breast milk, that's where you might seek out a nutritional consultant on keto carnivore. Yeah, great. A few people talking about we use the word calories. Um, I don't believe in calories as such because I think different macronutrients do different things, but people understand the word calories. We could say more nutrients. We could say more mass of food, whatever. So, um, anyway, what a calorie. I mean, let's just let's just call it a calorie. Okay? So meaning that, of course, there's lots of definitions of lots of things, but you want to increase your caloric intake, which is your, your energy in or reduce your energy expenditure in order to gain more weight if that's what you want to do. But again, you're right. If your glycogen is damaged, your absorption of those nutrients or the loss of nutrients is going to be affected by that. So but but you're right, there's a scientific definition of a calorie. But I think in general we know what things have higher caloric intake which are lower caloric intake. But it's not. Nothing is exact as we think it is. And I've got another question here, which is really broad. Uh, why do women get hot flushes in menopause and how can you lessen them? I don't know that answer, but there's a there's a thermogenic, uh, effect of inflammation that affects our or or natural, uh, thermogenic, uh, uh, set point. And, uh, but it's likely related to inflammation of those centers, uh, that, that caused that. And fat is one of the best things you can do to eat fat, eat adipose tissue, eat butter, eat raw is the very best thing. I'm not a milk fan, by the way, so I don't push milk. I think a little bit of cream or butter, uh, but mostly animal fat and uncooked animal fat is better than the rendered stuff, in my opinion. I think those will help. Look at those, uh, Elizabeth Bright, uh, some others out there talk about it, but essentially it, you know, if you live long enough and depending on the inflammatory state of your body, some people are going to get more hot flashes, others that are going to last longer than others. And for the reason is we don't know exactly why some people more so than others. But I think when you reduce inflammation, you add more fat and you, you get out in, in in nature, uh, sunlight. Uh, I love, I love the, the cold water work. And I love the warm water work, uh, you know, weights, walking and, uh, Wagyu, Uh, the fat is at stake. And in meditation, prayer and acupuncture and chiropractic, I mean, there's some things that you can do, but some like, uh, work or work out, uh, I think that's really important. I'm not a big fan of exercise. Excessive exercise can be harmful, but you got to move in life. And the more you participate in life and you're doing something gets your mind off of the things that are going on in your body in some sense. Well, I didn't even notice it's gone. Oh, uh, dee Dee, uh, strict carnivore, Chafee style. Plus extra cold butter for months on HRT, post menopause for years trying to wean a foster. Estradiol patch and progesterone but hot flushes come back. Any advice? So it's sort of, uh covered that a little bit there. Pull it, pull it, pull it, pull it. You know you can go to like a patch every other day. A patch for three days, every five days, every seven days. Push it out and on and out. Or you can just rip the thing off because you're not going to you're going to. It's going to be hardship, but it's kind of like learning to run a marathon. It's going to be hard. And I'm sure you guys both know that, that through hardship you build a strong ship and I know you can do it. It's like people don't die of of of hypoglycemia unless they're taking a drug or they got a tumor, by the way. So this idea that I'm hypoglycemic, I'm gonna die ain't true. And you're going to be fine. Even when you go through those hot flashes and you push through them. But it's like, get out in nature, go on sunlight, do a workout, and, uh, hang out with some, uh, good friends that can push you along. Yeah. You mentioned hypoglycemia there. And one of the things that's a big sort of issue at the moment, it's not something I bought into, to be honest, is people worried about insulin suppression, because most people that worry about that when I ask them, how are you feeling? They have low insulin. Robert, there's this term insulin suppression. We can't produce insulin. And I'm like, well, it's on your blood test and you're fine and fit and healthy. Have you heard anything about this? Well, yes. And and, um, uh, I do my five day, seven, five day fast. My, my my glucose is 50 and my insulin is less than two. And I feel fine. I'm doing my workout. I'm doing my normal stuff. Okay. And and so I, I think that once again, I mean, I'm feeling shaky and I feel a little dizzy and lightheaded. I must be hypoglycemic. I go grab myself some sugar, I pound it down, and then sugar stimulates insulin, because Insulin's job is to convert sugars and amino acids in the liver to fat. That's all it is. And and so but I have heard about it. You know, again we have psychologically misinformed humanity to believe in incorrect. It's called propaganda. And, you know, it's like, oh, I need some sugar. Even in my operating rooms and in my surgery centers, my nurses are always grabbing for apple juice and given crackers and like, you know, I'm not there all the time. And so I can't control it 100%. But you know, that's what everyone believes. Mhm. Yeah. Richard you're very quiet. We need to unmute you. Unleash the Richard. Just letting the fantastic doctor spread the good word. God bless you. Thank you. Well. Come on. You must have some burning issues. I'm afraid so. Just a couple of other things to add to some of those things. You know, um, uh, omega threes and saturated fats are really important during menopause. Um, menopause mimics the last phase of a cycle. So progesterone and estrogen drop, which can lead to things like hot flushes. But we need as as doctor said, we need more saturated fats. Omega threes. Selenium. Coenzyme Q10, ethers. Nature intended. All of these things are found in organ meats and animal proteins. It is quite literally as simple as that. Just get back to eating normal and that it is. You know, it really is. Because. Because ultimately we again, no disrespect to anyone in this world of keto, carnivore, nutrition and all the science of I don't know what an omega three omega six fat is. I don't know what these all these micronutrients really are, because ultimately I just know what my food is. And so we can simply eat the fatty meat, the butter, the eggs and be healthier than anything. I'm a big fan of salt. I think salt is good for us. I'll find a really good nature's made salt, you know, right from the the beast itself, from the caves or wherever the oceans. And I took a dip in the Mediterranean Sea and and I was so beautiful. I just like it. Went for a nice walk, run. And and I do light stuff and I just the sea was drawing me. I got in and then and then afterwards I, I dried my suit in the bathroom and, and there was salt all over the place. I was like, I can scrape it off the, the, the, the, the drying of our it was really cool. But I think you're right fats again that is anti inflammation when you eat it. Most people, when they're carnivore, they eat lean meat, or they cook their meat in a way that the fat is done. I eat a tremendous amount of fat. I always so when I was in knees, I was like, can you bring me butter? I can melt the butter. I mean, they couldn't it. Finally, after two days of doing this, they gave me a big picture of butter melted that I had poured off over a very good picanha with a lot of fat. And I, you know, everyone else cuts the fat off. You must eat the fat to reduce inflammation in the gut. And those microbes, the microbes are not good for us. The microbiome is actually a killer. People don't understand this. The bacteria used in viruses are the leading causes of disease in this world, and we propagate it as good. Well, because it's there, but it's there because of a high plant protein based diet which are feeding the microbes, which are causing tooth decay, tonsillitis, esophagitis, and then every other disease in our body. If you feed a cow fat, it dies because it kills the microbes in the rumen, and they cannot live without the microbes in the room. And so you and I think, well, those probiotics are good for us. Based on what? Science. Science to actually sell you another drug and an idea that question it would you put microbes in an open wound. You would not. And they're getting into our gut. They're getting into our bloodstream. And they're causing a tremendous amount of disease and damage. Yeah. Well done. I've never seen you so quiet, Richard. But, I mean, I'm enjoying it. So someone doesn't ask them a quick, very quick question. And again, we're going to fertility, obviously. Should you wait until breastmilk supply has regulated before transitioning to carnivore? Or you shouldn't transition to carnivore the moment you're taught you hear about it and you're taught about it. Because carnivore is our is our proper human diet. As a good friend, Ken Berry has coined. I mean, it's our ancient. Ancient. It's what we we came out of the trees not to eat the grass, but to eat the grass eaters. We are hunters like wolves and lions. And we realize that making tools and weapons and hunting in a pack was the best way to find the very best food. And and however we transition to that, we likely ate raw meat, raw animals and raw fat. And how fast should you do it? Uh, I mean, as you're listening to this, you should feel like these guys are crazy, but I'm feel great. But maybe I can feel greater. And that's the part that changed my life again. I learned from people like yourselves. I was watching, I learned actually some of my patients were getting pregnant on paleo diet maybe 20 years ago. And I'm like, what is this? You know, I was already in the Atkins and the Weight Watchers and all the excess of exercise and stuff. And then when I then learned, I met Marie Emerick and I learned about keto concepts. And that's where Where the World Turned Upside Down by, uh, Richard David Feynman. And, you know, then I just I said, okay. Then I met some guy who was like, you guys were ripped and said, I only need meat and I don't exercise. And I'm like. That's for me. And I was almost 15 years ago. And again, I did it take me long. I was like, I loved my favorite meals in the universe were always lamb and beef. Uh, I mean, that was my birthday, you know, here's the years of some lamb chops or or, uh, T-Bone steak. That's where I got. I didn't realize they technically weren't fatty enough, and they were probably overcooked, but, uh, this is the most important thing you can do. Excellent. Uh, another comment here, and I think. I'm sorry. Go on, Robert, carry on. Yeah. You go back and maybe it's the same one. I see iodine in magnesium deficiencies and, uh. But go ahead. You get that one. I'm sorry. Yeah, well. She's relevant. Anyone doing something about iodine? Elizabeth Bright talking about the importance of iodine. I mean, I talk about the importance of an iodine clearance test if you really, really want to know about. But. Yeah. Go on, Robert, fire away. Well, well, the chelating agents, plants see, plants get their nutrients from the soil, and they collect them. They bind to the roots and they bring them in. So when you eat plants. Well, many of our plant products we eat are highly fibrous and they're non digestible. So they're just chelating all the minerals and vitamins inside your gut and they're going right out the other end. So the very best source of getting iodine magnesium and all the minerals and vitamins is fatty meat and fatty organ meats. And so we basically a plant based diet is a chelating diet, meaning it grabs hold of those minerals and vitamins and takes them out the other end and you're not the wiser. And then we're taking supplements. And then I'm wondering if all these extra supplements are doing the same thing. Because if you're on a standard diet, if you're just going out the other end, most of them anyway. Yeah. Just to add to that, also, I think you know what we what we eat, as you say, Robert, is very important. What we don't eat, I think is equally as important. Cruciferous veg, broccoli, for example, high in a compound called sulforaphane. Sulforaphane, uh, it competes for absorption at the thyroid for iodine. Um so these cruciferous veg can lead to, to guide regions and uh, and hormonal issues. So I mean it's removing these plants is just as important I think as consuming the fats and the proteins. Think about it. This is very good, Richard. What you just said. So go intergenic foods. Just look up. Goita. Organic foods. What is a goiter? A goiter is a damaged, enlarged thyroid gland. It's either hyper functional or hyper functional, and it develops cysts, tumors and cancers. It is one of the most commonly diagnosed problems in the planet. Okay. And and if you look up those plants which which cause gorgeous. Kale. Asparagus. Broccoli, cruciferous vegetables, peanuts, seasoned nuts, wine, all alcohols, coffee and teas, soy. All these things cause damage to your thyroid gland. Well, do they only cause damage to your thyroid gland? What if all those plants cause damage to every cell of your body, brain, heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, bones, muscles? So if we already know the goiter genic foods, how about tumor, genic or inflammatory foods which damage every single cell of your body? And we just been lied to. Now, look, if you can't hunt the beast, you're going to eat what you can. Well, um, we we are. We're a hunter gatherers. But that's because hunting is not easy, right? Go out there with your bare hands and go hunt down a bull. Right. And it's going to take you down. It kills many alliance. By the way, uh, this is one of one of the most important things that people don't realize is that, um, killing an animal and eating it is is a hard thing. Uh, here we are as human beings in our modern world, likely secondary to the fact that we were able to hunt and eat those things. Now we can get a lot of calories from eating plants, but to eat plants, we had to process them properly. Either cook them, ferment them, uh, or or many other ways, uh, or soak them. But with and and we're dying of those diseases to the secondary of the plant based diet because we can live on them, but not the healthiest and not without some risk of dying of diseases that we're like. And you know, what's the answer? You go to your doctor, why do I get this doctor and said, unlucky, we don't know, right? Yep. Just just for the audio people. Um, why is the book you held up? What's the title of the book? Well, well, I've got I've got a couple of books. One is my killer. Mosquito is carnivore. And I do have a new one, uh, which is, which is essentially a play on the baby's diet bacon, eggs, butter, beef Kiltz, ice cream and salt. Now, not all the time, by the way. Um, and, like, you know, you can have a fruit from time to time, but not all the time. The same thing with a little ice cream. But our babies for babies book is out there for some reason. Let me see if I've got a copy. I don't have a copy right next to me here, but you just go to Doctor Kill Star. Com or Amazon. You could see some of our, our our books and ideas are out there which just share this in a way that I hope it's easy for us because Occam's Razor says the the simple answer is the one. The simpler, the better. And that's the most important part to this story. You don't have to make it hard. Um, I also have a, a a fertility book, kind of everything about fertility. Uh, similar talk. I mean, I'm always, you know, I'll go right to go to diet faster than anything. You know, for me, it's always, what are you eating? I ask people what their. I can go through their history. I ask them about their, their their their past medical history, their their surgeries. And have they adding pregnancies, how long they've been trying. And I asked them about their height and weight and then their diet. And then the most common answer is, well, what do you eat? I should be clean and healthy and organic, which I don't even know what those are. Uh, last I looked, you know, do you need the beauty of ribeye steak or meat is like, you know, there's no cleaning, so it's the healthiest thing you can eat. And it has all the minerals and vitamins that you and your baby requires for health and wellness and the original fast food. And yeah, I think it was fast. It was fast. It ran from you and you had to work to get it. But when you got it. See, the interesting part is, is that that, um, plants are live organisms, by the way. Just like all animals. All all of human, all the universe is alive. All right? A rock is alive. It's changing atomic particles that are vibrating, that are part of our existence. But basically, a plant is a live organism. They're easy to kill. And they want it that way because they control you. They seed you with their their with their DNA. Uh, and they control you with their chemicals. Right. How many people get hungry for a ribeye steak? You know, we save or we're patient for. We. No, we don't go crazy. People eat plants. Their brain goes crazy on this. On the subject of you saying fatty meat, a few people are asking about fish. What are your views on fish? Well, fish thinks it's in the. It's a contaminated waters of the world. Humanity is toxic inside the waters of the world, and the fish are just getting contaminated. I, I don't consume fish of any significance or frequency. I will I will mainly do, uh, beef, some lamb, uh, pork or my favorites. And that's what I think is one of the biggest problems in this world is that, you know, and we're over. We're over, uh, grazing the fish population. You know, it's it's. But me, you know, pretty much we existed for thousands of years with our plot of land, uh, our animals and and the small amount of of, uh, plants. Uh, we what? We focused on eating the meat. And I think eating that meat is is really the fatty meat. Is that critical part of it. And eating meat is actually more affordable than people realize. You can get ground meat, you can buy a quarter cow, a half a cow, or get yourself some land and raise your animals. Uh, that is one of the most important things. And eating less frequently is the best. And remember, the fat contains twice the calories of a protein or a plant carb sugar. So you're getting more for less. I mean, go to your go to the butcher and say, can I buy a bunch of fat? And, you know, pretty much want to give it to you? Yeah, I did this this week on Wednesday. So I went to my local butcher with a good friend of mine, Mikey Davis, who used to be a vegan, so he came to see me as a vegan two years ago. Very good Iron Man athlete, and he was ranked in the top 50 in the UK. Um, after seeing one of my talks on athletic performance, um, he came to see me after and he, and he started introducing beef liver and other animal proteins. He's now predominantly carnivore. Um, you know, so fantastic turnaround. My guy last week won the European Championship. So he's gone from being 48in UK to number one in Europe in two years of living the carnivore lifestyle. Anyway, that's just by the by, but we, we went to the butcher. So him and I are standing by the butcher counter and, uh, a lady comes along and asks for some lamb and she says, can you cut the fat off? And no disrespect with this lady was was was probably four times the size, if not five times the size of myself. And I just said, oh, do you mind? You know, Chris, if or Rich or whoever was there, do you mind if, if I have that fat. And she looked at me and said, why do you want the fat? And I said, well, the fat is the most important thing. I said, it's it's incredibly important for hormone hormonal production. I give the whole spiel anyway. She looked at me as if I was absolutely mental, and I explained to her that it was imperative to help with with healthy living and weight loss. And I'm standing there, not obese, single figure, body fat. You've got Mikey, this guy who was number one in Europe, you know, super lean, ripped and shredded. And this woman just looked at me as if I was absolutely bonkers because I wanted the fat off the meat that she that she didn't want. But it's like the whole society is, um. What's the word I'm looking for? Blinkered. Blindfolded. They are. They are narrow minded. They can't see what's right in front of them. Well, it's propaganda. You're right. It's because we've been brainwashed and brainwashed most so that that that is a particular problem. Because I still think the focus on protein is incorrect. It's fatty meat. That's what we should be eating. Because. Because we don't know. I don't know what protein is. Technically, if you look at a muscle cell, it's made of fat, right? Muscle cells are made of fat. It has amino acids in it, and it has some sugars, some glycans in it. But I'd say that you're you're absolutely 100% right. Brainwashed bonkers. Right in in in the incorrect advice. But as you share it, this is what I think the beautiful story you're sharing is, is see, I do not believe obesity is a disease. It's a it's a state of the body. It's a state of the body that might be in your favor if there's a famine. Skinny is not in our favor in our historic environment. So I just don't believe that obesity is the cause of any disease. Obesity is a state where meant to be in from time to time, depending on the environmental factors. But I would say fatty meat is what you want to eat, and if you focus on that, you'll get everything. And um, but you're right. And so you got it for a discount, right? Yeah, I did so in fact, he gave it to me for free. So I had this temp of fat for free. And it was it was lamb fat, uh, a crisp up, incredibly well and absolutely delicious. Um, but just to see what you said, how are you? Cool. Fat free. Sorry. Well, well, but but I'm actually recommending eat the fat raw. Because when you cook it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Denature the particles. And if you look at ponderous cats book, uh, Rogers cat basically cooked meat and and pasteurized milk was not good for the cat and it's future generations. So we are damaging the minerals and vitamins and the amino acids and simple sugars and fatty acids that are critical for our body. In my opinion. That's one of our problems that if you eat the raw meat. But I do love it. I was at it when I was, I was in Madrid last month at in Madrid. The guy took the facts and he just left a bunch of found a really good. I was loving him, but he took a whole bunch of it, brought it back. He rendered it and brought back to crispy little pieces, which is like save. So I eat, I eat raw, fat. Um, I love crispy fat also. And I think, you know, this this is a question that comes up quite often, you know, does cooking denature your food? Yes it does. Um, but not many people are going to eat, you know, raw, raw beef, like like you and I and Steve would. Um, and I think it's more important just to consume that protein and fat rather than not consuming it, but just just to circle back really quickly to what you mentioned about the fat being super important. Um, nature provides us with a combo of protein and fat. It gives us this perfectly packaged present. Almost every protein in nature comes with fat. And this is why, I mean, it's sort of the opposite of what you would just see in really. But I think if we prioritize fat as nature, a protein as nature intended, by default, we get these fatty cuts and I always push the fatty cuts. One of my favorite cuts of beef is is a stick because it's incredibly fatty and it's one of the cheapest cuts. I don't know what the equivalent would be in in the States, but it's incredibly cheap. It's half the price of rump, um, and it's absolutely fantastic. But nature gives us this perfectly packaged present of protein and fat. What do we do in our wisdom? We cut the fat off thinking we know better. Protein should always be consumed with fat. And coming back to the point you made with a cell, a standard mammalian cell, for example, the weight of a cell is around, and this is a ballpark figure 70% water beyond that, from the remaining 30%, 18% is protein, 5% is lipid, and only 2% is polysaccharide. So the cell is predominantly protein fat, you know, so this is where we need to be consuming our foods as proteins and fats. The phospholipid bilayer is the bilayer which is fat of every membrane of your body. So so I would say that the majority of our body is actually fat. Without it, you dissolve in water. We don't dissolve in water because we're fat cells. And so fat is the most fantastic thing you can have. And and again, my bet is we're we're we're fatphobic. We should not be fatphobic. And I think we can if we can basically give positivity to all of us and realize the science is wrong. Uh, obesity causes no disease. To cause a disease is a low fat diet which actually makes us fat. But while it's doing that, it inflames every cell of our body and causes the diseases that were suffering from and obese people to happen to get more of those diseases. Because what did they eat? In order to get fat, we need protein and plants. And I think you're Rock Island guys. Yeah. Spot on. I think, um, I've lost my train of thought there because doctor, chief, he's just messaged me on, on WhatsApp, so I was, I just looked like lost my train of thought. Apologies. Um, but yeah, you're right. Fat is super important, I think. The fact that it's called fat is the problem. You know, we need we really need to think of corn as something different because we think the fat makes us fat. Fat does not make us fat. It is the giver of life. I believe in one of the most important adipose adipose tissue, adipose tissue, muscle tissue. Remember, if you look deeply, you'll understand that fat is the most important thing in our body. Without it, your debt anorexics die fast. Obesity does not die fast. And if you look at some of those £400 walking around, their muscle strength and their bone strength is better than most. And so we actually have it wrong and that their muscles are enlarged, their muscles are big to carry that body and their bone structure is the same as yours in mine. The only difference is their fuel tank is far greater. And as we teach people more towards one meal a day, to me that's the very best way. Uh, and do some fasting. You'll then begin to get some some power of of not being, you know, food addicted. Right. The ability to say, you know, I don't need it today. I'm good. I can go days without food, uh, and feel the very best. Yeah. And, you know, it's, um, one of the best times I've ever felt in my life was when I did an extended. The longest I fasted was three days. Um, I've spoken to a good buddy of mine who I know that you know very well, Ben Asad, and we went into the benefits of of max autophagy. Um, and I think we came to the conclusion that in a, in a standard state, max, autophagy can be reached within five days. But if we are ketogenic, we can achieve this in, in a lot shorter space of time. Um, but well, if not, the microbiome needs time to heal. As long as you're eating fruit, even if it's in the keto world of the carnival world, you are still damaging your glycol calyx of the GI tract, so resting is what you want to allow it to do. Autophagy is always happening in your body. You're just less poisoned. So when you when you don't eat, you're actually reducing the damage. It's kind of like your car. Like the more miles you put on it, the more damage you'll it'll get to the car. So you have to give it some time to rest and digest again. Like that is we are built. Remember, your body is fueled only by fat. Your body is not fueled by sugars. Glucose is a glycosylated agent like a mana sucrose. A few calls inositol glucosamine. There are nine sugars that circulate in our body that are critical for the glycol calyx, and without it, you're dead. And so what's sugar for? Well, remember, if you eat food, amino acids ensures glucose levels rise, insulin levels rise, and then those levels drop because they're converted to fat in the liver in order for you to to function normally. Yeah. It's brilliant. Now, Richard, you're looking there as if Doctor Chaffee wants to come in. Yes. That's right. And. Yeah, I just just messaged chief on this. Apologies. Yeah. You just asking a few questions so I wasn't ignoring you. Doc Kent's apologies. Uh. Bring it. Anthony. Yeah, this is bad, but I think Doctor Kills has done so many lives. He knows what he's like. And you got messages for that? It's good. I've got three screens in front of me with various things going on, so it's, um. Yeah. Yeah, but no, it's it's it's great. And I love I love how you continually put new information out there, but I think it's just, it's just really interesting. And you're you're so, um. Not brave. Brave is not the wrong word, but you're you're plough your own furrow. You won't listen to what everyone else is saying. You'll find out I'm like that. If something doesn't make sense to me, I've got a to know. It doesn't matter who told me. I mean, all the influences out there that I love. If it doesn't make sense, then I've got to research it myself. I've got to come to my own conclusions and use my own experience and experience with people I, I coach. So occasionally I say something and everyone's like, well, I've never heard that before. It's like, well, we that's what I've come to. I've come to this conclusion and this is how I present it. And I love how you do that. Well, the question is, what's the ideal? Ideal? Anything? I mean, there really isn't a one ideal technically. I mean, you could live on a vegan, vegetarian, Mediterranean pestering carnivorous diet for a long time. My parents lived in 94. They're primarily Mediterranean and my grandmother 104. And and there are many people that live a long time. And we're not claiming that kind of word means you're going to live long, but we have no idea how long you're going to live on this diet. But it is quite remarkable. And I went into medicine in order to heal and help people. And, you know, really the world today is each and every human being is their own clinician. And the the information is available online today, by the way. And, and and that's the amazing part of this. It's all available. What you bring on Anthony. Bring him on. Bring them along there. No, he's not. He's not on there. Yeah. I'm not there. Okay. I'm doing it again. This is the beauty of what you guys are doing. I again. We in medicine, you know, it's like, oh, where'd you get your, you know, M.D. degree? I mean, again, MD degrees doesn't matter. I would learn so much. That's wrong. And again, even in the keto carnivore world, we all need to be open to maybe again, autophagy. Does autophagy ever stop? It doesn't. When you're dead. It Doesn't. Yeah. And it just it becomes less toxicity less damage. Because what causes damage. Oxidative stress uh, secondary to eating food. You can't no matter what you do, you burn fuel in an engine. It's going to damage the engine. Same thing going on in our body. But maybe it's a way we can, you know, live it, live it a little bit better and longer. I, I, I, um, that's where I love Steve. I hope you don't mind me asking, but after last year's leave, we invited Doctor Kiltz on to our Sunday Live to give that presentation on, uh, the Glasgow Celtics and glycoproteins and things. And it's one of the best presentations I've ever seen on it. Would you be willing to come back on sometime in the near future for that, if you don't want to be upset? I love, I love it. I love them. Yeah. And it was a dream. As long as I'm okay with you. Obviously. Well, yeah, absolutely. I mean, that's what I was trying to get at. I mean, I did a live Q&A, uh, without Richard and, uh, somebody messaged and said, um, it was a little bit acidic. What their comment and it said, uh, my friend has just go over cancer and a strict vegan. What do you say to that? And I just went, that's great. That's great. Oh is it, you know, think of think of plants as medicinal. Remember, the plants were the first way that we went around the globe and the spice, spices and plants. I mean, we went around the globe hunting for the, the healer. Right. The the the fountain of youth. Someday to heal all its all. And most of the drugs today initially came from a plant based, uh, scientific understanding. And nowadays we're able to make them synthetically. Uh, and that's the really big difference. But, you know, it doesn't. You can live a long time on a vegan, vegetarian Mediterranean diet also. Um, but if you're sick, my bet is we could link it to glycation, oxidative damage and stress or some toxin. Uh, heroin. Cocaine, marijuana, nicotine, caffeine, alcohol. Remember, you're making alcohol in your gut. Because you ferment. Proteins are fermentable and so is sugar. So the microbes are fermenting a high protein diet. So if you look carefully amino acids are fermentable in our gut. That's why I do not recommend a high protein diet. I recommend a high fat diet, medium to low protein and low to no plants. Cool. Uh, somebody is asking not for you, Robert, but for me, Shane. They're saying. Shane. We can watch it all then. Well, basically what's going to happen is once this 24 hour live stream is done, I sit sadly at that table over there and I cut it into 24 hour segments and I do all the timestamps, so it's all searchable. So if you want to see, you know, the person that was on 8 a.m. answer about fiber, you'll be able to find it. All right. So yes, we're doing 24 hour live. But what I want I want to mention is I'm in my 50s with 12% body fat and perfect healthy. Interesting again. I've seen so many people healthy then drop dead. Sarah Hallberg was one person who was healthy and drops dead in cancer. My best friend Dave was one. So the trouble is this is where the plant based problem comes in. Plants and proteins are glycation. They cause rust deep in our body at every cell level and they cause all of our diseases including cancer, dementia, depression, Alzheimer's, all these diseases. We just don't know when they're getting there. What we don't know is if you're primarily a fatty meat eater and you eat less frequently, we can't say yet whether or not you're not going to get these diseases. But certainly all my, my arthritis, psoriasis, migraines, kidney stones, bowel and hemorrhoids are gone. I've never felt better in my life. And so, uh, the focus should be on fat first proteins and, and then thirdly, uh, sugars. And minimally, they're not our killers if you eat them small amounts infrequently. Unless and this is where plants come in. We have anaphylactic reactions to plants and shellfish and fish. But last I looked ribeye steak. Uh, fatty ribeye steak, uh, anaphylactic reactions. I've never seen it. You know, the tick. You know, again it is very, very, very rare. Yeah. Cool. Now, Antony's got some tech issues. Apparently. So. Doctor, did you want to go or are you okay to hang on for a couple of minutes to say hello to Anthony? I'm going to do the same thing. I'm going to leave. Hey, I'm hanging out with you guys. Whatever, I think we. I love hanging out with you and Anthony, and I'll just. I don't know, but it's it's great to have you. I mean, if we can lean on your expertise, it's fantastic. But you're also a really nice guy. And one of the things that happened last year for people that don't know this is, is Robert isn't saying all this just to sound good. He does really, genuinely listen because he comments on things that we do. And, uh, the second part of our 24 hour, he dropped a comment in and I said, oh, come back on. We come back on it. And he came straight back on. So generous with his time and a fantastic person. Good information, a great Instagram, very inspirational. So, you know, fantastic. Right. So, um, I'm going to ask you one of the questions that we've got starred, if you don't mind. Uh, this is an interesting one for me as well, personally, because I had a calcium score assessed the other day. Uh, I know this isn't fertility, but I think you'll be interested in the whole talk. I had my calcium score assessed the other day, and the scores 1114. I believe it should be a big fat zero. And I'll get it down to zero. And for people that don't know what we're talking about, the coronary artery calcium scan is something that looks at your coronary arteries. And then it makes an estimate of how much calcification is in there. And I had that done before. I was low fat before I was keto, before I was kind of and mine was 639. Now, this little bit of story, because I know Robert like stories is just firstly to give you some context. So I was I was quite concerned about that, although I knew it was going to be high because of my high carb diet. And the consultant said to me, it is high, but you need some context here. The guy I just saw, it was 3000. So these are just numbers. These are numbers. How do you get it to a big fat zero? Or. My wife had a big fat zero, and she came to the same, uh, consultancy with me. And she just avoided things like bread and potatoes. And she had fatty meat. She had, you know, full English breakfast, all that without the toast. But she just had sausage and bacon. So she. When I met her, I can remember saying, because I was high carb when I met her, you know, how can you read that and be so lean and so fit? So, um, the point being, yes, a big fat 0AB great. -639. Yours was 1000 and somebody else's was 3000. But now Robert can point well in my direction. I've been carnivore for almost 15 years, and, um, my father had heart disease. He lived in 94, though he had bypass surgery at one point. And, uh, I get a Christmas present from a friend for a CAC score, and I'm like, okay, I'll get this. You know, I'm not a big test person because all testing has inaccuracies. I want everyone to know this. You know you are going to die. There is no test. It's going to tell you you're going to die in five minutes or five years or 50 years. We don't know that mine was 680. My repeat was 700. Um, and uh, I go get a I go to my car, a cardiologist, he's now my cardiologist, right? And, uh, he's a big biker. And, uh, he also had a high CAC score. And, uh, you know, I do. I do the treadmill test, the cardiac echo, and I'm flying because you're fine. He says goodbye then. And although, you know, he was still, like, leaning towards a stat because I have high cholesterol and and but he was okay when he heard I was a carnivore and he wasn't pushing anything, but, um, you know, then I, I, I talked about doing a CT angiogram I had already talked to. I get my CTA angiogram, CT angiogram, and I've got a minor narrowing of my circumflex, but everything else might open. So accordingly, I don't have any evidence of any significant heart disease. But it's a no test in medicine. And science is 100% accurate. There's a positive and negative predictability. There's false positive false negatives. I don't care what it is. It's science. Testing and medicine is the biggest business in the world. So again, does this mean I'm not going to die of a heart attack? And in five days or no one knows that answer, we don't. Right. But and there have been people who have major, uh, a narrowing who live a long time. So our ability to predict 100% is very poor. I stuck to carnivore. I'm probably just not going to ever get it tested again. And that's the very best thing for me. 

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