the UK carnivore experience

Brett's Shocking Discovery About His Health Issues That Nobody In Medicine Tells You

Coach Stephen BSc Hons

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Brett is an experienced health professional with a background in insurance and corporate wellness. He found himself overweight and in poor health, despite being in the industry. After learning about the low carb/keto lifestyle from his brother, he dove into research and found that the current guidelines he had been promoting were flawed. He adopted a low carb/carnivore diet and lost 115 pounds in the following months. He now works to educate others about the benefits of this lifestyle. Brett shares his personal journey to reversing his own health issues and how he became passionate about helping others do the same. He discusses his background in corporate wellness and how he shifted his focus to a more holistic approach to health. He talks about his research and experimentation with different diets and ultimately finding success with a carnivorous approach. He also shares the protocol he follows for reversing heart disease, which includes a combination of proper nutrition, sleep, stress management, and exercise. 
Six years ago, the speaker discovered he had heart disease. He started researching and found a protocol that could potentially reverse it. He connected with other experts and researched more, and eventually had a new test done that showed he was in a healing process and not continuing to worsen. He shared his findings with a cardiologist friend, and they started a podcast together. He now coaches people on how to reverse metabolic disorders like heart disease, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's through diet and other metabolic therapies

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